Becoming Our Best


How many of us have had unsatisfactory (or miserable) results as a result of hurried conversations? Lots of us, I believe. It seems key to me to consider:

• It's better not to have a conversation than to have a quickie that makes things worse.

• Remembering that sensitive topics are best covered in private, and if conflict is involved, on "neutral turf" (not at either person's office).

• Jointly selecting the time and place is a good beginning to a meeting.

• Collecting my thoughts and writing down the key points I want to cover will ensure that they get covered; and that the other person's time is not wasted.

• Listening attentively to both verbal and non-verbal language of the other person is the key to successful communication.

• If near-perfect clarity is desired, writing a letter to the other person with your version of what was agreed upon will get best results.

Author: Bruce Johnsen Management Consultant:
824 Munras Ave Suite G
Monterey, CA 93940

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